Kallatis (Scythia and Moesia, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 150-200 CE
IKallatis 72
= É. Chirica, "Le culte d'Héraclès Pharangetiès à Héraclée du Pont," RÉG 111 (1998) 722-731
= BE (1964), no. 290
= SEG 24 (1974), no. 1037
= PHI 173642
= AGRW ID# 14483
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1164
To good fortune. This was dedicated as a thanksgiving to Herakles Pharangeites (“of the Ravine”). A synod of Herakleians (i.e. from Herakleia, likely the one in Pontus) who are gathered around Satyros son of Satyros set this up when Alexandros son of Herakleon was secretary (grammateus): Philoumenos son of Menios, Androneikos son of Satyros (?), Antonios son of Makedon, Herakleos son of Dionysios, Alexandros son of Alexandros, Marcus son of Antonius, Rhesianos son of Satrios, Kallistratos son of Kallistratos, Euboulos son of Apollophanes, Gaius son of Quintus, Diophantos son of Andromachos, Olympos son of Olympos, Helios son of Sinnos, Menephron son of Theophilos, Herakleon son of Gaius, Rhesios son of Satrios, Helios son of Helios, Theagenes son of Satyros, Caecilius Teimon, Herakleon son of Herakleios, Marcus son of Lucius, Niger son of Titus, Terentius Philon, Fronto son of Diophantes, Thrasymedes (?) son of Satyros, Herakleon son of Chrysogonos, Helios son of Helios, Flavius Herakleon, Gaius Agenoros, Helios son of Kerealios, Julianus son of Titus, Alexandros son of Titus (?), Quintus son of Sinnos, Demetrios son of Lucius, Kerealis son of Helios, Artemidoros son of Dionysios, and Artemidoros son of Artemidoros.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: November 3, 2013
Item modified: October 1, 2020
ID number: 14483
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