Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Egyptian Gods by a Society (Hellenistic era) Herakleia by Latmos - Caria

Herakleia by Latmos (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), Hellenistic era (?)
RICIS 304/1001 = SIRIS 285 = SEG 13 (1956), no. 496 = PHI 258249 = AGRW ID# 7293
Copenhagen Inventory info: 833


Fragmentary dedication. Herakleia by Latmos mountain was east of Miletos on the other side of the lake.

Nestor . . . and the society-members dedicated this to Sarapis, Isis, and Anubis.

Translation by: Harland

Σαράπει, Ἴσι, Ἀνούβ[ιδι] | Νέστωρ [—] καὶ οἱ θιασῖται [—]

Item added: December 7, 2012
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 7293
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