Nakoleia (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
Thomas Drew-Bear, Nouvelles inscriptions de Phrygie (Zutphen, Holland: Terra Publishing, 1978) 32-33 (no. 1)
= SEG 28 (1978), no.1187
= SEG 28 (1978), no.1187
= PHI 271348
= AGRW ID# 6772
Copenhagen Inventory info: 468
. . . the initiates (mystai) (?) . . . dedicated this to Dionysos as a vow when . . . Name . . . was priest, Agathopodos was revealer of the sacred objects (hierophantēs), and Eutychion was head . . . of the company (speirarchēs) (?) . . . .
Translation by: Harland(side A) [— — — μύσ]|[τ]α̣ι̣ Δ̣ι̣ονύ|σῳ εὐχήν. | [ἱε]ρατεύ̣ο̣ντ̣[ος {τοῦ δεῖνα}] | (side B) ἱεροφαντοῦ̣[ν]|τος Ἀγαθό[πο]|δος | (side C) [σπει]ράρχου Εὐ|[τυχί]ονος.
Item added: November 27, 2012
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 6772
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