Mylasa (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), undated
IMylasa 403
= Georges Cousin, "Voyage en Carie," BCH 22 (1898) 361–402, at 382-383 (no. 24)
= IGLAM 363
= PHI 261207
= AGRW ID# 10594
Those from the street (plateia) of the . . . , street-inhabitants (plateitai), dedicated the altar to the emperor. . . Caesar Augustus and to Zeus Olympios for the sake of honoring Dionysides son of Demetrios, olympic-victor, who won the victory crown for boys’ wrestling (palē) at the Olympic contests — first, unique, never thrown down, never seized, and without being the reserve.
Translation by: Harland
Item added: February 20, 2013
Item modified: December 10, 2015
ID number: 10594
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