Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Asklepios by Sacrificing Associates from Prospalta Subdivision (III BCE) Athens - Attica

Athens (Attica, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), III BCE
IG II³ 644 = IG II² 2355 = PHI 4591 = AGRW ID# 23201
Copenhagen Inventory info: 239


The members of this group of sacrificing associates devoted to the god Asklepios are drawn from about four families of Athenian citizens from the same subdivision (deme) of Prospalta (part of the tribe Akamantis).

The sacrificing associates (orgeōnes) dedicated this to Asklepios.  Prospaltians (i.e. the members are from Prospalta subdivision): (column 1) Agathaios son of Agatharchos, Kritophantos son of Theomnemon, Dexitheos son of Kritophantos, Kritophantos son of Theagenides, Eunikos son of Theomnemon, Theophantos son of Theagenides, Ameinias son of Ameipsias, (10) Theomnestos son of Theagenides, (column 2) Agatharchos son of Ameipsias, Autokles son of Agathios, Deinias son of Diphilides, Anthemion son of Aischylos, Aischylos son of Diphides, Meidonikos son of Androkles, Meidokritos son of Androkles, and Theagenides son of Kritophantos.

Translation by: Harland

οἱ ὀργεῶνες τῶι Ἀσκληπιῶι ἀνέθεσαν. | προσπάλτιοι | {column 1, line 3} Ἀγαθαῖος Ἀγαθάρχου | Κριτόφαντος Θεομνήμονος || Δεξίθεος Κριτοφάντου | Κριτόφαντος Θεαγενίδου | Εὔνικος Θεομνήμονος | Θεόφαντος Θεαγενίδου | Ἀμεινίας Ἀμειψίου || Θεόμνηστος Θεαγενίδου | {column 2, beginning at line 11} Ἀγάθαρχος Ἀμειψίου | Αὐτοκλῆς Ἀγαθίου | Δεινίας Διφιλίδου | Ἀνθεμίων Αἰσχύλου || Αἰσ[χύ]λος Διφιλίδου | Μει[δό]νι[κ]ος Ἀνδροκλέους | Μειδόκριτος Ἀνδροκλέους | Θεαγενίδης Κριτοφάντου.

Item added: February 25, 2016
Item modified: February 29, 2020
ID number: 23201
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