Soura (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 237 CE
ILycia II 83
= IGR III 711
= Waltzing, no. 100
= PHI 283450
= AGRW ID# 11637
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1651
To good fortune. This was dedicated to Apollo of Soura when . . . Name was high-priest (archiereus) after Marcus, Perpetuus and Cornelianus were consuls, Ptolemaios who is also called Zosimos was serving as priest for life, Julius Aurelius Anthus was secretary (grammateus) of the Augustan street association (plateia), Marcus Xanthos was sacred herald, and the following were leaders (or: patrons; prostatai): Boethos, son and grandson of Pharnax; Aristagoras son and grandson of Krateros, Hermogenes son of Boethos, Claudius Dion, Drakon son of Eutribos, Philippos son and grandson of Strenion, Archedemos son of Artemidoros, Xenokles IV, Claudius Melainites (?), Claudius Theophilos, Aurelius Hephaistokles, Demetrios son of Gaius, Euphrosynos descendent of Rhodippos for five generations, Heraiskos son and grandson of Eutyches, Tychikos Daphnes, Hermes son of Julius Beithys, Philadelphos son of Hierax, Etymos son of Oiklos, Philagros son of Pheragathos, Basileides son of Eutheros, and Neikostratos son of Eupathes. Good luck!
Translation by: HarlandItem added: March 11, 2013
Item modified: November 13, 2020
ID number: 11637
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