Kos (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 84-81 BCE
IG XII,4.2 566
= IKosS EV 14
= Clara Rhodos 8 (1936) 240-244
= PHI 185850
= AGRW ID# 17849
Plaque of gray marble found in a receptacle of a stronghold in the middle of the city (24.5 x 26 x 9.5 cm; letter height: 1.3-1.8 cm).
Those who were soldiers of Milesians . . . in an undecked ship dedicated this to Apollo Soter (“Savior”) of Didyma when Apelleias son of Leontiskos was commander of the fleet, . . . Name son of Paionios was leader of ships with three sets of oars (triremes), Demetrios son of Name . . . was in charge of sailing, and Dositheos son of Anaxileos was secretary (grammateus).
Translation by: Harland[Μιλησί]ων οἱ στρατευσάμενοι | [ἐν τῆι] ἀφράκτωι, ναυαρχοῦν|[τος Ἀπ]ελλείου̣ς τοῦ Λεον|[τίσκο]υ, τριηραρχοῦντος δὲ || [․ ․ 5 ․ ․]ου τοῦ Παιωνίου, ἐπί|[πλου] δὲ Δημητρίου τοῦ | [․ ․ ․ ․]ονίκου, γραμμα|[τέω]ς δὲ Δωσιθέου | [τοῦ Ἀ]ναξίλεω Ἀπόλ||[λωνι] Διδυμεῖ Σωτῆρι.
Item added: November 9, 2015
Item modified: November 9, 2015
ID number: 17849
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