Soura (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), III CE
ILycia II 84
= IGR III 712
= Waltzing, no. 101
= PHI 283451
= AGRW ID# 11677
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1651
To good fortune. This was dedicated to Apollo of Soura when Anticharos who is also called Dionysios was high-priest (archiereus), Antigonos II who is also called Lysimachos was serving as priest for life, Symphoros II who is also called Soter was secretary (grammateus) of the Augustan street association (plateia), Marcus son of Xanthos was sacred herald (hierokēryx), and the following were leaders (or: patrons; prostatai): Artemon II who is also called Ptolemaios (?), Sarpedon who is also called Euodos, Aristagoras who is also called Krateros, Neikandros son of Name. . . , Nikostratos descended from Iason for three generations, Antigonos son of Marcianus (?), Antimachos who is also called Asklepias son of Pheragathos, Alkimos who is also called Gamikos. . . , Artemon son of Antimachos, Name . . ., Hermas son of Numerius Aphrodeisios, . . . Name son of Poseidonios, Justus descended from Apollonios for the second generation, Strenion son of Strenion, Epitetos son of Apellas, . . . Name son of Symphoros (?), Kalibryon son of Platon, . . . Name son of Demaristes, Tertullianus. . . , Eutyches son of Ladikeas (or: of Laodikeia [?]), and Philokyrios.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: March 11, 2013
Item modified: November 13, 2020
ID number: 11677
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