Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Apollo of Soura by the Augustan Street Association [5] (III CE) Soura - Lycia

Soura (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), III CE
ILyciaHK 50 = PHI 283718 = AGRW ID# 11703
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1651


To good fortune.  This was dedicated to Apollo of Soura when Julius son of Demetrios was high-priest (archiereus), Aurelius Ptolemaios who is also called Zosimos was priest for life, Aurelius Theodoros Agamemnon descendent of Claudius for two generations was secretary (grammateus) of the Augustan street association (plateia), Marcius Xanthos was sacred herald (hierokēryx), and the following were leaders (or: patrons; prostatai): Plistias II, Diogenes who is also called Meleagros, Drakon who is also called Aristodemos, Ptolemaios son of Eutyches, Hermonax who is also called Alexandros, Alexandros who is also called Philagros, Demetrios who is also called Soterichos, Marcus Aurelius Xanthos II, Jul. Antigonos (?) who is also called Anthos, Jul. Aurelius Demetrios who is also called Anthos, Asklepiodotos who is also called Theodotos, Asklepiades descendent of Antipatros for two generations, Ptolemaios II, Bacchyllides son of Strenion, Leontiskos son of Zosimos, Epagathos who is also called Erasistratos, Hermes son of Serapion, Lollios (?) Iason, Platon son of Gaius, Platon son of Menophilos, Hermolaos (?) son of Hermolaos, Embromos son of Eutyches, and Heliodoros.  Good luck!

Translation by: Harland

ἀγαθῆ τύχη. | Ἀπόλλωνι Σουρίω. Ἀρχιερέος Ἰουλίου Δημητρίου, | ἱερωμένου διὰ βίου Αὐρ. Πτολεμαίου τοῦ | καὶ Ζωσίμου, γραμματεύοντος σεβαστῆς || πλατείας Αὐρ. Θεοδώρου βʹ Κλαυδίου | Ἀγαμέμνονος, ἱεροκηρυκοῦντος Μαρκίου Ξάνθου, | [προστάτ]αι· Πλιστ[ί]ας γʹ, Διογένης ὁ καὶ Μελέαγρος, | Δράκων ὁ κ[αὶ Ἀρ]ιστόδημος, Πτολεμαῖος Εὐτυ|χέους, Ἑρμῶνα[ξ ὁ] καὶ Ἀλέξανδρος, Ἀλέξανδρος || ὁ καὶ Φίλαγρος, Δημή[τριο]ς ὁ [καὶ] Σωτήριχος, Μᾶρκ. | Αὐρ. Ξάνθος δὶς, Ἰουλ. Ἀν[τίγον(?)]ος ὁ καὶ Ἄνθος, | Ἰο[υ]λ. Αὐρ. Δημήτριος ὁ καὶ Ἄνθ[ος, Ἀ]σκληπ[ιόδοτ]ος | ὁ καὶ Θεόδοτος, Ἀσκληπιάδης βʹ Ἀντιπάτρου, | Πτολεμαῖος γʹ, Βακχυλλίδης Στρηνίωνος, Λεοντίσκος || Ζωσίμου, Ἐπάγαθος ὁ καὶ Ἐρασίστρατος, Ἑρμῆς Σερα[πίω]|[νος, Λό(?)]λλιος Ἰάσων, Πλάτων Γαίου, Πλάτων Μενοφίλου, | [Ἑρμ]όλ[α]ος Ἑρμολάου, Ἔμβρομος Εὐτυχέους, Ἡλιόδω[ρος]. | εὐτυχῶς.

Item added: March 12, 2013
Item modified: November 13, 2020
ID number: 11703
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