Soura (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), III CE
ILyciaHK 49
= PHI 283717
= AGRW ID# 11694
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1651
To good fortune. This was dedicated to Apollo of Soura when Ael. Telemachos who is also called Dikaiarchos was high-priest (archiereus), Aurelius Antigonos II who is also called Lysimachos was priest for life, Xanthos was secretary of the Augustan street association (plateia), Aurelius Pheragathos who is also called Demetrios was sacred herald (hierokēryx), and the leaders (or: patrons; prostatai) were: Hermoteles II who is also called Hermeias, Antimachos son of Claudius Hermeios, Menophilos II, Embromos who is also called Zosimos descendent of Menodotos for two generations, Chresimos son of Bacchylides also for the second generation, Diogenes son of Myron, Mousaios son of Potion, Fl. Nymphikos, Demetrios son of Ptolemaios, Katathymios, Eutyches descendent of Hermes for two generations, Aur. Euphronsynos, Boethis who is also called Eukrates, Ophannas son of Dioteimos, Demetrios descendent of Kassandros for two generations, Poseidonios son of Ariston, Hermes son of Hermogenes, Hermolaos son of Menophilos, Erasmios son of Agathoboulos, Hellanikos who is also called Theodoros, Eros son of Epaphrodeitos, Aphrodeisios son of Artemon, and Asklepiodotos son of Hermesianax. Good luck!
Translation by: HarlandItem added: March 11, 2013
Item modified: November 13, 2020
ID number: 11694
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