Augusta Traiana area [Karasura] (Thrace, Danube and Black Sea areas), III CE
IGBulg 5591
= Burkhard Böttger and Klaus Hallof, “Inschriften aus Karasura (II)” Klio 73 (1991) 174–488, at 481-488 (no. 6)
= SEG 41 (1991), no. 590
= PHI 170617
= AGRW ID# 13944
Upper part of a column of white-grey limestone (102 x 33 cm). This seems to be either an association of those who work on the land of Eustochios (Eustochios' dependents) or an association of land-owners.
To good fortune. Those gathered around Eustochios son of Keler, owner of the land (or: owners of the land [?]), dedicated this to Apollo Dauterenos (“of Dauteros” or “of the Vegetables”) as a thanksgiving using the resources of the god. To good fortune! The Kisazenians.
Translation by: Harland[ἀγα]θῇ τ[ύ]|χῃ. | Ἀπόλλωνι | Δαυτερηνῳ || οἱ περὶ Εὐ|στόχιον Κέ|λερα δεσπό|τε τοῦ ἀγροῦ | ἐκ τῶν τοῦ || θεοῦ εὐχα|ριστήρια | εὐτυχῶς, | Κισαζηνοι.
Item added: July 1, 2013
Item modified: July 6, 2013
ID number: 13944
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