Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), II CE
IDelos 1642
= T. Homolle, "Dédicaces déliennes," BCH 3 (1879) 360–381, at 372-373 (no. 13)
= PHI 64081
= AGRW ID# 21092
The Athenian, Roman, and other Greek settlers (katoikountes) and the merchants (emporoi) and shippers (nauklēroi) who sail to the island dedicated this for the sake of virtue and piety to Apollo, Artemis and Leto.
(crown 1) The People of Andros.
(crown 2) The People of Naxos.
(crown 3) The People of Athens.
(crown 4) The People of Tenos.
(crown 5) The People of Syros.
{in crown 1, starting at line 9:} ὁ δῆ||μος ὁ Ἀν|δρίων.
{in crown 2, starting at line 12:} ὁ δῆ|μος ὁ Να|ξίων.
{in crown 3, starting at line 15:} ὁ δῆμος | ὁ Ἀθηναί|ων.
{in crown 4, starting at line 18:} ὁ δῆ|[μ]ος ὁ Τη||νίων.
{in crown 5, starting at line 21:} ὁ δῆ|[μ]ος ὁ Συ|ρίων.
Item added: January 4, 2016
Item modified: January 5, 2016
ID number: 21092
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