Saittai area [Nisyra] (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 48/47 BCE
ILydiaM 136
= SEG 49 (1999), no. 1623
= AGRW ID# 12222
In the 38th year on the 6th of the 11th month, the sign-bearers (semeiaphoroi) and members of the brotherhood (phratores) dedicated the monument (stele) to Apollo and Artemis according to the command of the god. Zeuxis son of Hermippos, Diogenes son of Polemon, Menophilos son of Herakleidos, Metrodoros son of Artemon, Diogenes son of Metrodoros, Zeuxis son of Hermogenes, Dionysios son of Syros, Diogenes son of Artemidoros, Diokles son of Hermogenes, Hermogenes son of Heraklidas, Apollonios son of Menekrates, Artemon son of Amyntas, Moussaios son of Kallimachos, Diogas son of Mithres, Alexandros son of Diogenes, Publius Pactumeius, Kalligenes son of Ploution, Apollonios son of Apollonios, Apollonios son of Name. . . , Artemon son of Hermippos, Apollonios son of Euxenos, Amyntas son of Artemidoros, Menedotos son of Menekrates, Hermogenes son of Artemidoros, Tryphon son of Hermokrates, Hermogenes son of Euxenos, and Menekles son of Hermogenes.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: May 16, 2013
Item modified: December 3, 2015
ID number: 12222
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