Akmoneia area [Sebaste] (Phrygia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 88/89 CE
IPhrygR 474
= PHI 271100
= AGRW ID# 5812
To good fortune. On behalf of emperor Domitian (erased) Caesar Augustus Germanicus’ victory, the Roman People, and the People of the Sebastenians . . . (rest of line missing and following three lines largely reconstructed by Ramsay) . . . the Romans engaged in business (pragmateuomenoi; largely reconstructed) in Sebaste (?) . . . for endurance . . . and salvation (?) . . . dedicated this as a thanksgiving to Zeus. Marcus Athalius Longinus son of Marcus, . . . of the Aemilia tribe (?) . . . set up the altar from his own resources together with the entire construction and expenditure in the year 173 (of the Sullan era). Herakleites son of Philippos was supervisor.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: November 11, 2012
Item modified: December 4, 2015
ID number: 5812
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