Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 150-110 BCE
IDelos 1775
= Picard 1921, 2, 38 (figures 30 and 32)
= OGIS 591
= PHI 64215
= AGRW ID# 21587
Architraves from the stoa of the Berytians (inv. Ε 113 α β).
Mnaseas son of Dionysios, benefactor . . .
Translation by: HarlandΜ̣να̣[σέας Δι]ονυσίου εὐε̣ρ̣[γέ]τ[ης — — —].
Item added: January 19, 2016
Item modified: January 19, 2016
ID number: 21587
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