Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication of an Altar to the Gods Aglibol and Malakbel by a Society (34 CE) Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia

Palmyra (Syria and Phoenicia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 34 CE
PAT 326 = M. Enno Littmann, "Deux inscriptions religieuses de Palmyre, le dieu שיע אלקום," Journal asiatique [9th series] 18 (1901) 375-381 (no. 1) = CIS II 3980 = AGRW ID# 9481
Copenhagen Inventory info: 632


Altar dedication with an Aramaic inscription. Found in the courtyard of the sanctuary of Bel. For more information on the marzeah, here translated "banqueting-society" (but also used to refer to a "banquet" or "festival" itself), see the description of PAT 265 and see McLaughlin 2001. Another fragmentary Greek inscription involving the priests of Aglibol and Malachbel at Palmyra also mentions their "banquet" or "banqueting-association" (symposion; IPalmyra 384).

During the month of Shebat in the year 345.  This altar has been made by these members of the banqueting-society (marzeah) for Aglibol and for Malakbel their gods: Wahabai (?), son of Athenurai and grandson of Audu; Hagagu, son of Zabdilah and grandson of Komora; Nebuzebad, son of Maliku and grandson of Mathna; Taimu, son of Agailu and grandson of Rababat; Maliku, son of Yarhibole and grandson of Hattai; Yarhibole, son of Taimartsu and grandson of Abroqa; Zabdibol, son of Yedaiabel and grandson of Elihu; Agailu son of Nurai and grandson of Zabdibol; and, Maliku son of Maqaimu and grandson of Taimo-amad.

Translation by: John L. McLaughlin

[בירח] שבט שנת (345) עלתא דה [עבדו]

[בני מ]רזחא אלן לעגלבול ולמלכבל אלה[יא]

וה]בי בר עתנורי עודו וחגגו בר זבדלה כמרא]

ונ]בוזבד בר מלכו מתנא ותימו בר עגילו רבבת]

ו]מלכו בר ירחבולא חתי וירחבולא בר תימרצו]

אברוק וזבדבול בר ידיעבל אלהו ועגילו בר

נורי זבדבול ומלכו בר מקימו תימעמד

PAT 0326: Altar from Palmyra.
Drawing by Littmann 1901, 375 (fig. 19).
Public domain.

Item added: January 14, 2013
Item modified: March 18, 2021
ID number: 9481
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