Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

[117] Dedication of an Altar to Hadrian by Hymn-singers (129-138 CE) Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad

Pergamon (Mysia and the Troad, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 129-138 CE
AGRW 117 = GRA II 111 = IPergamon 374 = Josef Keil, "Zur Geschichte Der Hymnoden in Der Provinz Asia." JÖAI 11 (1908) 101–110 = PHI 302029 = AGRW ID# 573
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1653


Altar of blue-white marble with an inscription on each of the four sides (A-D; 104.5 x 60.5 x 58.2 cm), found in 1885 three metres under the street in the bazaar of the modern town.


… To good fortune (?).  The hymn–singers (hymnōdoi) of god Augustus and goddess Roma dedicated this to emperor Caesar … Trajan Hadrian (?) … Olympios, saviour and founder.  T. Flavius Philoxenos, P. Quintilius Meidon, T. Claudius Scribonius, T. Claudius Marcianus, Dionysios son of Hermogenes, T. Claudius Asklepiades, C. Silius Otacilianus, A. Jul. Hippokrates, Ulpianus son of Hippokrates, (10) Gn. Otacilius Pollion son of Pollion, L. Aninius Flaccus, L. Statilius Moschianos, P. Aelius Dionysios descendant of Aelius Dionysios, T. Flavius Hermogenes, grandson of Flavius Quintus Hermogenes, T. Ulpius Diogenes, Moschos son of Moschos, the olympic champion, M. Julius Ulpianus Asklepiadoros, A. Castricius Paulus …, T. Claudius Paulinus …, T. Flavius Alexandros …, A. Julius Dionysios, A. Gessius Alexandros, (20) C. Julius Hermaiskos Bassianos, M. Albinius Bassos Sempronianus, Menippos son of Menippos, P. Silius Pollianus, T. Flavius Pollianus, T. Flavius Julianus Caecus son of Caecus, A. Julius Noetos, L. Annius, Claudius Philetos son of Julianus, T. Flavius Caecilianus, Aelius Tatianos, and T. Claudius Prokillianos … have set up (?) … The Castricius family established the altar from their own resources … (30) Capiton (?), the theologian (theologos)…



To good fortune!  During his year in office, the keeper of order (eukosmos) supplies:

– Month of Caesar, Augustan day, birthday of Augustus (i.e. September 23, the first of the new year in the province of Asia): one mina (i.e. 100 drachmas);

– Month of Peritios, first kalends of January (= January 1): one mina, one loaf of bread;

– Month of Panemos (= May 24–June 22), Augustan day, Rose festival (i.e. May 24–26): one mina, one loaf of bread;

– (10) Month of Loos, third day (= June 25) for the mysteries: wine, one mina, and one loaf of bread; and,

– Month of Hyperberetaios, twenty–ninth day (= Sept. 21): one mina, one loaf of bread.

The keeper of order (eukosmos) will also supply wreaths for the hymn–singers on the monthly celebration of Augustus’ birthday and on the remaining birthdays of the emperors.  He will supply wreaths in the hymn–singers’ meeting–place and wreaths for the hymn–singers and their sons each day during the mysteries, as well as cakes, incense and (20) lamps for Augustus.  The leader (archōn) will furnish fifteen denarii for the incense, funds which he will receive back from the one who enters to take his the deceased’s place.  Concerning the funeral, the children of the deceased will receive twelve denarii from the common treasury for incense.



To good fortune!  During his year in office, the priest (hiereus) supplies:

– Month of Peritios, Kalends of January: wine, a table–setting, one mina, three loaves of bread;

– Month of Panemos, second day, Rose festival: wine, a table–setting, one mina, three loaves of bread;

– Month of Loos, second day for the mysteries: wine, one mina, three loaves of bread;

– Month of Hyperberetaios, twenty–ninth day: wine, a table–setting, one mina, three loaves of bread;

– (10) Same month, thirtieth day: wine for the altar, a table–setting, one denarius.

Also, the outsiders (exōtikoi) newly appointed as hymn–singers shall give fifty denarii towards the images of the Augusti (Sebastoi).



To good fortune!  During his year in office the secretary (grammateus) supplies:

– Month of Hyperberetaios, twenty–ninth day, birthday of Augusta (i.e. the wife of the emperor): wine, a table–setting worth two denarii, one mina;

– Month of Peritios, Kalends of January: one mina, one drachma and nine assaria coins;

– Month of Panemos, third day, Rose festival: a table–setting worth one denarius, one mina and one loaf of bread;

– (10) Month of Loos, Augustan day, mysteries: wine, a table–setting, one loaf of bread…

Whoever is appointed as a hymn–singer will present one hundred denarii as an entrance fee for the sacrifices of Augustus and Roma; fifteen denarii to each hymn–singer; double, that is thirty denarii, to the gods as well as wine and three loaves of bread; and, a half loaf of bread and half a mina to the sons of members.

The one who takes over his father’s hymn shall give fifteen denarii to the gods, seven denarii to each hymn–singer, wine, and a table–setting.  But the leaders will also give back to the sons who have paid the (20) choral–fee half of all their fees.

Translation by: Harland

(side A, front) [ἀγαθῆι τύχηι. Αὐτοκρά]τορι Καίσα[ρι Τραϊανῶι] | [Ἁδριαν]ῶι Ὀ(λ)υμπίωι, σωτῆρι καὶ | [κτί]στηι, ὑμνῳδοὶ θεοῦ | Σεβαστοῦ καὶ θεᾶς Ῥώμης || Τ. Φλ. Φιλόξενος, Π. Κειυντίλιος Μείδων | Τ. Κλ. Σκρειβώνιος, Τ. Κλαύδιος Μαρκιανός | Διονύσιος Ἑρμογένους, Τι. Κλ. Ἁσκληπιάδης | Γ. Σείλιος Ὀτακιλιανός | Ἀ. Ἰούλ. Ἱπποκράτης Οὐλπιανός, Ἱπποκράτης ὑός || Γν. Ὀτακίλιος Πωλλίων, Πωλλίων ὑός | Λ. Ἀνείνιος Φλάκκος, Λ. Στατείλιος Μοσχιανός | Π. Αἴλιος Διονύσιος, Αἲ. Διονύσιος ἔκγονος | Τ. Φλ. Ἑρμογένης, Φλ. Κυιντ. Ἑρμογένης ἔγγονος | Τι. Οὔλπιος Διογένης, Μόσχος Μόσχου ὀλυμπιονείκης || Μ. Ἰού. Οὐλπιανὸς Ἀσκληπιόδωρος | Α. Καστρίκιος Παῦλος [— — — — — — — — —] | Τι. Κλ. Παυλεῖνος [— — — — — — — — — —] | Τ. Φλ. Ἀλέξανδρος [— — — — — — — — — —] | Ἀ. Ἰούλιος Διονύσιος, Ἀ. Γέσσιος Ἀλέξανδρος || Γ. Ἰούλιος Ἑρμαΐσκος Βασσιανός | Μ. Ἀλβείνιος Βάσσος Σεμπρωνιανός | Μένιππος Μενίππου | Π. Σείλιος Πωλλιανός, Τ. Φλ. Πωλλιανός | Τ. Φλ. Ἰουλιανός || Κάεικος Καείκου | Ἀ. Ἰούλιος Νόητος, Λ. Ἄννιος, Κλ. Φίλητος Ἰο[υλιανὸς ὑός] | Τ. Φλ. Καικιλιανός, Αἴλιος Τατιανός | Τι. Κλαύδιος Προκιλλιανός, | ἀ[ναθέντων] τ[ό]ν βωμὸν ἐκ τῶν ἰδίων Καστρικίων || [— — — — — — — — — — Καπί]τωνος θεολόγου | [— — — — — — — — — — —]φων | [— — — — — — — — — — — — — —]․․Σ Ἰουι | [— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —]

(side Β, right) ἀγαθῆι τύχηι. | ὅσα τῶι ἐνιαυτῶι παρέχει τῆς | ἀρχῆς ὁ εὔκοσμος· | μηνὸς Καίσαρος Σεβ(αστῇ)· γενεσίῳ Σεβαστοῦ || μνᾶν. μηνὸς Περειτίου καλ(άνδαις) Ἰανουαρίαις· μνᾶν, | ἄρτον. | vac. | μηνὸς Πανήμου Σεβ(αστῇ)· ῥοδισμῷ | μνᾶν, ἄρτον. || μηνός Λῴου γʹ· μυστηρίοις οἶνον, | μνᾶν ἄρτον. | μηνὸς Ὑπερβερεταίου προ(τέρᾳ)· μνᾶν, ἄρτον. | παρέξει δὲ ὁ εὔκοσμος τῇ τοῦ Σεβαστοῦ | ἐνμήνῳ γενεσίῳ καὶ ταῖς λοιπαῖς γενε||σίοις τῶν αὐτοκρατόρων στεφάνους τοῖς | ὑμνῳδοῖς, καὶ τοῖς μυστηρίοις στεφάνωσιν | ἐν τῷ ὑμνῳδείῳ καὶ στεφάνους ὑμνῳδοῖς | καὶ τοῖς υἱοῖς αὐτῶν πάσης ἡμέρας καὶ | πόπανον καὶ λίβανον καὶ λύχνους τῶι || Σεβαστῶι. | τοῖς δὲ ἀν[α]παυομένοις εἰς λίβανον προχρήσει | ὁ ἄρχων 𐆖 {denarius symbol} ιεʹ, ἃ ἀπολήψεται παρὰ τοῦ εἰς τὸν τόπον | αὐτοῦ εἰσιόντος. | παῖδες δὲ κηδεακοῦ λήψονται εἰς λίβανον ἐκ τοῦ κοι||νοῦ 𐆖 {denarius symbol} ιβʹ.

(side C, left) ἀγαθῆι τύχηι. | ὅσα τῶι ἐνιαυτῶι παρέχει τῆς ἀρ[χῆς] | ὁ ἱερεύς· | μηνὸς Περειτίου καλάν(δαις) Ἰανουαρίαις· || οἶνον, στρῶσιν, μνᾶν, ἄρτους γʹ. | μηνὸς Πανήμου βʹ· ῥοδισμῷ οἶνον, | στρῶσιν, μνᾶν, ἂρτους γʹ. | μηνὸς Λῴου βʹ· οἶνον, μνᾶν, ἄρτους γʹ. | μηνὸς Ὑπερβερεταίου προ(τέρα)· μνᾶν, ἄρτους γʹ. || τοῦ αὐτοῦ μηνὸς λʹ· παραβωμίου οἶνον, | στρῶσιν 𐆖 {denarius symbol} (δηναρίου) αʹ. | δώσουσιν δὲ οἱ καθιστάμενοι ἐξωτικοὶ ὑμνῳ|δοὶ εἰς εἰκόνας τῶν Σεβαστῶν 𐆖 {denarius symbol} νʹ.

(side D, back) ἀγαθῆι τύχη[ι.] | ὅσα τῷ ἐνιαυτῷ παρέχει τ[ῆς ἀρχῆς] | ὁ γραμματεύς· | μηνὸς Ὑπερβερεταίου προ(τέρᾳ)· γενεσίῳ Σ[ε]–||βαστῆς οἶνον, στρῶσιν 𐆖 {denarius symbol} (δηναρίων) βʹ, μνᾶν. | μηνὸς Περειτίου κα(λ)άνδαις Ἰανουαρίαις· | μνᾶν (δραχμὴν) αʹ ἀ(σσάρια) θʹ τοῦ λεπτοῦ. | μηνὸς Πανήμου γʹ· ῥοδισμῷ | στρῶσιν 𐆖 {denarius symbol} (δηναρίου) αʹ, μνᾶν, ἄρτον. || μηνὸς Λῴου Σεβ(αστῇ)· μυστηρίοις οἶνον, στρῶσιν, | μνᾶν, ἄρτον [[— — — — — — — — — —]] | [[— — — — — — — — — — — — — — —]] | ἰσηλυσίου παρέξει ὁ κατασταθεὶς ὑμνῳδὸς | εἰς θυσίας τοῦ Σεβαστοῦ καὶ τῆς Ῥώμης 𐆖 {denarius symbol} ρʹ, || ἑκάστῳ ὑμνῳδῷ 𐆖 {denarius symbol} ιεʹ vac. θεοῖς διπλᾶ 𐆖 {denarius symbol} λʹ vac., | οἶνον, ἄρτους τρεῖς· υ<ἱ>οῖς ἄρτου, μνᾶς τὰ ἡ|μίση. ὁ δὲ πατρῷον διαδεξάμενος ὕμνον δώσει θεοῖς 𐆖 {denarius symbol} ιεʹ, ἑκάστῳ ὑμνῳ|δῷ 𐆖 {denarius symbol} ζʹ, οἶνον, στρῶσιν. οἱ δὲ | ἄρχοντες δώσουσι καὶ υἱοῖς τοῖς τὰ || [χ]ορεῖα δεδωκόσι τοῦ λεπτοῦ παντὸς τὰ | ἡμίση.

IPergamon 374, Side A: Altar of the Hymn-singers.
Drawing by Fränkel (IPergamon 374).
Public domain.

IPergamon 374, side B.

IPergamon 374, side C.

IPergamon 374, side D.

Item added: November 20, 2011
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 573
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