Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication of Statues of Erotes by Two Initiates of Aphrodite Daitis (III CE) Ephesos - Ionia

Ephesos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), III CE
IEph 1202 = Josef Keil, "Aphrodite Daitis," JÖAI 17 (1914) 145-147 = PHI 248628 = AGRW ID# 8319


Altar of blue marble found in the Vedius gymnasium (40 x 20.5 x 22 cm; letter height: 1.1-1.8 cm). Here two siblings who are initiates of Aphrodite Daitis dedicate statues of Erotes (winged gods of love [cupids] who often accompanied Aphrodite) and a lamp. No association is mentioned but we do know that initiates in mysteries often gathered together in such groups. See photo below.

Heliodoros and Nais, brother and sister, male initiate (mystēs) and female initiate (mystis) of Aphrodite Daitis, have set up the statues of Erotes and the hanging bronze lamp with two wicks, together with their mother, Neike, and their brother, Trophimos.  They placed. . . (remainder missing).

Translation by: Harland

Ἡλιόδωρος | καὶ Ναΐς, ἀδελ|φὸς καὶ ἀδελ|φή, μύστης καὶ || μύστις Δαιτίδ|ος Ἀφροδείτ|ης ἀνέθηκαν | τὸν Ἔρωτα καὶ | λύχνον χάλκ||ειον δίμυξον | κρεμαστὸν | [σὺ]ν καὶ Νείκῃ τῇ | [μη]τρὶ καὶ Τροφίμῳ | [τῷ ἀδε]λφ[ῷ·] ἐτέθησ[α]||[ν — — —]

IEph 1202: Photo from Josef Keil, “Aphrodite Daitis,” JÖAI 17 (1914) 146.
Public domain.

Item added: December 20, 2012
Item modified: December 8, 2015
ID number: 8319
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