Alexandria (Delta region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 25 BCE (March 1)
GRA III 164 =
SB I 639
= SB III 6047
= PHI 220268
= AGRW ID# 30953
Statue base. Now in the Ägyptisches Museum in Berlin (ÄM 10231).
. . . Herakleides (?) . . . son of Sotion and grandson of Asibas, the gathering-leader (synagōgos), having served as president (prostatēs) in the fourth and fifth year, dedicated at his own expense this statue of the great god Herakles and of Harpokrates. Year 5 of Caesar on the 6th of Phamenoth.
Translation by: KloppenborgἩ[ρακλείδης(?)] Σωτ̣ί̣ων̣ος τοῦ Ἀσι̣βᾶτος | συ[να]γογοῦ προστατήσας τὸ (ἔτος) δʹ καὶ | εʹ (ἔτος) ἀνέθηκε παρ’ ἑατοῦ θεὸν μέγαν | Ἡρακλῆν καὶ Ἁρποχράτην. (ἔτους) εʹ Καίσαρος, || Φαμενὸθ ϛʹ.
Item added: March 14, 2020
Item modified: June 20, 2023
ID number: 30953
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