Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication to Dionysos by the Ritual-purifiers of Meter and Men (161 CE) Saittai area [Kollyda] - Lydia

Saittai area [Kollyda] (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 161/162 CE
TAM V 351 = PHI 263757 = AGRW ID# 830
Copenhagen Inventory info: 355


Statue base of marble (24 x 54 cm). The inscription lists the 44 members of this group that named itself after its involvement in ritual cleansing. There are both men and at least seven women (eight if the unisex name Herais involves a woman here) that belong to the association. An association by the same name is also attested in TAM V 490. The terms Tiamou and Petraeitou that describe the two versions of the god Men here may refer to locales or founders. Note that the reference to the Mother of the gods is reconstructed.

Year 246 (of the Sullan era).  The ritual-purifiers (kataloustikoi) of the Mother of the Gods (?), Men Tiamou, and Men Petraeitou set up the statue of Dionysos. (The ritual purifiers are:) Julianus, Damas, Euschemon, Apphion, Apphys, Marcus, Publius, Secundus, Protoktetos, Hermokrates, Metrodoros, Damas, Apphias, Hermogenes, Damas, Menophilos, Apollonios, Herais, Hermokrates, Apollonios, Glykon, Apollonios, Ammion, Tryphon, Meltine, Hermogenes, Papias, Hermogenes, Apphias, Asklas, Meltine, Hermogenes, Neikomachos, Peia, Marcus, Tyche, Apellas, Alexandros, Meltine, Sostratos, Neikias, Juliane, Metrophanes, Athenais.

Translation by: Harland

[ἔτ]ους σμϛʹ. ἀνέθηκαν οἱ κατ̣αλουστ̣ικοὶ Μητ̣ρ̣[ὸς θε]|[ῶν(?)] καὶ Μηνὸς Τιαμου καὶ Μηνὸς Πετραείτου τὸ [ἄγαλ]|μα τοῦ Διονύσου. | Ἰουλιανός, Δαμᾶς, Εὐσχήμων, Ἄπφιον, Ἀπφῦς, Μᾶρ||κος, Πόπλιος, Σεκοῦνδος, Πρωτόκτητος, Ἑρμοκράτης, Μητρόδωρος, Δαμᾶς, Ἀπφιας, Ἑρμογένης, Δαμᾶς, Μη|νόφιλος, Ἀπολλώνιος, Ἡραΐς, Ἑρμοκράτης, Ἀπολλώνιος, Γλύ|κων, Ἀπολλώνιος, Ἄμμιον, Τρύφων, Μελτίνη, Ἑρμογένης, | Παπιας, Ἑρμογένης, Ἀπφιας, Ἀσκλᾶς, Μελτίνη, Ἑρμογέ||νης, Νεικόμαχος, Πεία, Μᾶρκος, Τύχη, Ἀπελλᾶς, Ἀλέ|ξανδρος, Μελτίνη, Σώστρατος, Νεικίας, Ἰουλιανή, | Μητροφάνης, Ἀθηναΐς.

Item added: November 26, 2011
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 830
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