Alexandria (Delta region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 10/9 BCE
GRA III 167 =
IAlexandriaK 90
= SB IV 7327
= PHI 222585
= AGRW ID# 31038
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1344
Statue base of granite (11 x 8 x 14 cm). The provenance is unknown although many scholars (Kayser following Ricci) suspect it is from Alexandria. The inscription belonged to the Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg but its current location is unknown.
Presiding in the 21st year of Caesar, Dinias . . . dedicated this statue (?) . . . of the high priest (archiereus) of the synod (synodos), Asklepiades son of Apollonios, at his own expense.
Translation by: Christina Gousopoulos (with modifications)Δινίας προστατῶ[ν] | τὸ καʹ (ἔτος) Καίσαρος ἀνέ̣[θ(ηκε)] | τὸν ἀρχιερέα τῆς συνόδου | Ἀσκληπιάδην Ἀπολλωνίου || παρ’ ἑαυτοῦ.
Item added: March 30, 2020
Item modified: March 30, 2020
ID number: 31038
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