Oboda (Nabatea, Greater Syria and the East — Pleiades map), 70-106 CE
Avraham Negev, "Nabatean Inscriptions from ’Avdat (Oboda)," Israel Exploration Journal 13 (1963) 113–124, at 113-117 (no. 10)
= AGRW ID# 9549
Copenhagen Inventory info: 603
This trough (?) . . . was dedicated by Names (?), . . . sons of . . . Name and his companions (?) . . . , the members of the banqueting-society (marzeah), which is the banqueting-society of Dushara, the god of Gaia, in the 18th year . . . of King Rabbel, king of the Nabateans, who brought life and deliverance to his people.
Translation by: John L. McLaughlinדנה מדדא [די קרב] . . .טו בני . ה
דה [וחברוהי] בני מרזחא דנא מרזח
(?) דושרא אלה גאיא בשנת יח
אל לרבאל מלכא מלך נבטו די אחיי ושיזב עמה . . .
Item added: January 14, 2013
Item modified: May 25, 2021
ID number: 9549
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