Syene (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), early III BCE
GRA III 245 =
Axel de Pontbriand, “A Greek inscription from Area 13c,” MDAI(K) 66 (2010) 205–211 (first publication)
= BE 2013, 476
= SEG 60:1812
= AGRW ID# 31469
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1533
Slab of sandstone (50 x 30 cm) found in Area 13c during Swiss-Egyptian rescue excavations in 2006/2007 and now in the Graeco-Roman Museum at Alexandria. Most of the letters are painted red or blue. The 30 names seem to have been inscribed in three stages with lines 1–20 and 22–28 first (using the red-blue coloration); then line 21 (Mousaios); and, finally, lines 29–31 (Euarchos, Ares and perhaps Artemidoros). The later addition of names may suggest that the monument was being used as a complete membership list and that new members had joined since the original dedication (a practice attested elsewhere). The names of the society members appear in the genitive. Some of the names are rare in Egypt but attested more readily elsewhere, including Pronax (attested on Crete) and Pigres (attested in Caria and Lycia; see Pontbriand or summary in BE).
Dining room (hestiatorion) . . . of the society-members (thiasitai), (column 1) . . . of Name (red), . . . of Name (blue), . . . of Name (red), . . . of Name, . . . of Name (red), . . . of Name, . . . . of Name (red), . . . of Name (blue) , (10) . . . of Name, . . . of Name, . . . (column 2) of Kotys (blue), of Demosthenes (red), of Protion (blue), of Athenion (red), of Polemokrates (blue), of Pronax (red), of Pedieus (blue), of Pythogeiton (red), (20) of Pigres (blue), of Mousaios (red), (column 3) of Kalli. . . (red), of Charikles (?) (red). . ., of Amyntos (red), of Diagoras (red), of of Antinos (red), of Eubios (red), of Protomachos (red), of Euarchos, of Areos, and of Artemidoros (?) . . .
Translation by: Harland
[ – – – τῶ]ṿ θιασιτῶν τὸ ἱ̣στια[τόριον] | {column 1} [– – – ]ρου {red} | [– – – ]δωρου {blue} | [– – – ]του {red} || [– – –] [– – – ]ọυ {red} | [– – –] | [– – – ]τος {red} | [– – – ]ρου {blue} || [– – –] | [– – –] | {column 2} Κότυος {blue} | Δημοσθένους {red} | Πρ̣ω̣τ[ίω]νος {blue} || Ἁθηνί̣ω̣νος {red} | Πολ̣[εμο]κράτου {blue} | Πρώ̣ν̣ακτος {red} | Πεδιέως {blue} | Πυθογείτονος {red} || Πιγρέους {blue} | Μουσαίου {red} | {column 3} Καλλι.[– – –] {red} | Χαρικλ[– – – ] {red} | Ἀ̣μύντο[υ] {red} || Διαγόρου {red} | Ἀντίνου {red} | Εὐβίου {red} | Πρωτομάχου {red} | Εὐάρχου || Ἀρήου | Ἀρ[τεμιδώρο?]υ.
Item added: July 14, 2020
Item modified: July 15, 2020
ID number: 31469
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