Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication (frag.) to Theos Hypsistos by a Society of “Brothers” (230 CE) Tanais - Bosporan region

Tanais (Bosporan region, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), 228 CE
IBosp 1284 = IPontEux I 453 = PHI 184026 = AGRW ID# 7932
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1324


Fragment of a slab of white marble (letter height: 3 cm). Found at Nedvigovka in 1869-70, now in Hermitage (inv. TH 316).

To good fortune.  This was dedicated to Theos Hypsistos (“Highest god”) during the reign of king . . . Tiberius Julius (?) . . . Kotys, son of the great king Rheskouporis, by the society (thiasos). . . of brothers . . . gathered around Kopharnos the priest (?). . . (the list of leaders and members is too fragmentary to translate — see the Greek).

Translation by: Harland

ἀγαθῆι̣ [τύχηι]. | Θεῷ Ὑψίστ̣[ῳ εὐχῇ]. | [βα]σιλέως [Τιβ(ερίου) Ἰουλίου] | Κότ̣υος υἱοῦ με[γάλου βα]||σιλέως Ῥ[ησ]κ̣ουπ[όριδος] | θιησ[— —] {θίεσ[ος τῶν]?} ἀ̣δελφ[ῶν τῶν] | [περὶ ἱερέα Κ]ό̣φαρνο̣[ν? — —] | [— — —] | [․․]κ̣[— — — — — — κ]α̣ὶ̣ φι||λάγαθον̣ [— — —]ν̣ Δ̣ά|δα καὶ παραφιλ̣[άγαθον] | Χ̣ανσα̣βόγαζο[ν Χωδονά?]|κ̣ου καὶ τοὺς λο[ιποὺς συν]|ο̣δείτ̣ας Σαύν[ασον — — —]||[․]μου καὶ Μένυ̣[λλον Χρυ]|σίππου καὶ Γο[— — —]|ν̣άκο̣υ̣ κ̣αὶ Μεν[έστρατον] | Χρυσίππου καὶ Εὔνων̣α̣ Χ̣[ο]|φράσμου καὶ Δαν[α]ράσμα||κον̣ Μ̣ηνίου. ἐν τῶι ζκφʹ | [καὶ μ]ηνὶ Δείῳ [․․ʹ] Εὐνῶν βʹ.

(fragment A)

[— — —]ωτ̣ον | [— — —]συν | [— — —]να | [— — —]μ̣α || [— — —]

(fragment B)

[— — —] | [— —]α̣ρ[— —] | [— —]τ̣ο[— —] | [— — —]

Item added: December 13, 2012
Item modified: October 9, 2020
ID number: 7932
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