Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), 96/95 BCE
IDelos 1762
= PHI 64202
= AGRW ID# 21499
Fragment of a base of white marble (91 x 64 x 11 cm). Found close to the round building in the Agora of the Competaliasts (inv. Ε 247).
. . . (eleven largely illegible lines listing names, including freedmen or slaves of Publius, Aulus and Marcus), those who were Competaliasts (Competaliastai) in the year when Aropos son of Leon from Azenia subdivision was supervisor dedicated this to the gods.
Sopatros son of Archios from Soloi made this.
Translation by: Harland[— — —]ΙϹ[— — —] | l [— — —]ΛΙΙ[— — —] | [— — —]ΛΙ[— — —] | [— — —]ΝΟ[— — —] || [— — —]ΚΓ[— — —]ΙΙΙ[— — —] | [— — —]ιος Γαί[ου — —] | [— — —] Π[ο]πλίου, | [— — —] Αὔλου, || [— — —] Αὔλου, | [— — —]νιος Μαάρκου, | [κομπετ]αλιασ[τ]αὶ [γ]ενόμενοι ἐν τῶι | [ἐπὶ ἐπι]με[λ]ητοῦ Ἀρόπου τ[ο]ῦ Λέοντος | Ἀ[ζη]ν[ιέ]ω[ς] ἐνιαυτοῦ {sic.} θεοῖς || [ἀ]νέθηκ[αν]. | Σώ[πατρ]ος̣ Ἀρχίου | [Σ]ολεὺς ἐποίει.
Item added: January 15, 2016
Item modified: January 15, 2016
ID number: 21499
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