Side (Pamphylia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 54-68 CE
ISide 32
= ISideBean 50
= PHI 276347
= AGRW ID# 13775
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1730
Block of limestone found near the entrance to the market in 1948 (48 x 90 x 59 cm). This reconstructed inscription may involve a dedication to the emperor Claudius and to the sacred theatrical synod.
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland[․․․․․․․․ Κλα]υδίωι Κα[ίσαρι Σεβαστῶι Γε]ρμα[νικῶι Αὐτοκράτο]|[ρι πατρὶ πατρ]ίδος κ[αὶ τῇ ἱερᾶι θυμελι]κῇ συ[νόδωι — — —]
Item added: June 25, 2013
Item modified: November 13, 2020
ID number: 13775
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