Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), after 166 BCE
IDelos 1741
= PHI 64181
= AGRW ID# 21379
Copenhagen Inventory info: 890
Ionic architrave. Found in a home south of the Rectangular (Tetragonon) Agora (Ε 814). These are likely members of the Italian Hermaists (Hermaistai).
Quintus Visellius son (or: freedman) of Gaius, . . . Name(s), Marcus Ombricius son (or: freedman) of Marcus,. . . Name(s), Gaius Campius son (or: freedman) of Nemerius, and . . . Name(s), dedicated this when . . . Name . . . was civic leader (archōn) at Athens.
Translation by: HarlandΚόιντος Οὐισέλλιος Γαίου, [— — —] | Μάαρκος Ὀμβρίκιος Μαάρκου, [— — —] | Γάιος Κάμπιος Νεμερίου, [— — —] | ἐπ’ ἄρχοντος Ἀθήνησιν Δε̣[— — —]
Item added: January 9, 2016
Item modified: November 14, 2020
ID number: 21379
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