Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), before 166 BCE
IG XI,4 1062
= RICIS 202/0162
= PHI 63545
= AGRW ID# 24073
Copenhagen Inventory info: 997
Three fragments of a plaque of white marble. Found in Sarapieion C (inv. Δ 574α-γ). This very fragmentary inscription is a dedication by the therapeutists (therapeutai), perhaps the dedication of a temple (naos) and temple-foyer.
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland[— —]ισ[— —] | [— —]ωνα̣[— —] | [— — τέ]κνων [— —] | τ̣ὸν̣ [ναὸ]ν? καὶ τὸν π[ρόνα]ο̣ν? Σα̣ρ̣[άπι? — —] || οἱ θεραπευταὶ οἱ [ὑπ’ αὐ]τὸν τατ[τόμενοι — —] | δὲ ἐπιμέλεσθα̣[ι ․․․]κλείδην vac.
Item added: April 13, 2016
Item modified: November 14, 2020
ID number: 24073
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