Delos (Southwestern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 96 BCE ?
IDelos 2241
= PHI 64687
= AGRW ID# 22489
Base of white marble broken in two pieces (20 x 59 cm). Found in the sanctuary of the Syrian Pure Goddess, Atargatis (inv. Ε 613). The candle-holder or menorah may have been placed on top of the base.
On behalf of himself, his wife (?) Karustia, Ision (?) . . ., Iason, . . . and the therapeutists (therapeutai), the priest of Pure Aphrodite, Menelaos son of Name . . . from newer Paiania subdivision, dedicated the candle-holder (namaran = manārā) . . . as a thanksgiving . . . (remainder lost).
Translation by: Harlandὁ ἱερεὺς τῆς Ἁγνῆ[ς Ἀφρο]δίτης | Μενέλαος [— — — Παι]ανιεὺς [νεώτε]|ρος ὑπὲρ ἑαυτ[οῦ καὶ τ]ῆς [γυναικὸς?] | Καρυστίας καὶ Ἰσίω[νος? — — —]||ου καὶ ὑπὲρ Ἰάσονος [— — — καὶ τῶν] | θεραπευτῶν τὸν ναμαρ[αν — —] ι χαριστήρ[ιο]ν | [— — —]ΕΥ[— — —]
Item added: February 6, 2016
Item modified: February 6, 2016
ID number: 22489
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