Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Dedication (frag.) by a Society Devoted to the Dioskouroi Gods and Helena (100-212 CE) Akarassos (?) - Lycia

Akarassos (?) (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 100-212 CE
B. İplikçioğlu and C. Schuler, "Ein Tempel für die Dioskuren und Helena: Eine neue Bauinschrift aus Bozhüyük bei Elmah im lykischen Hochland," AAWW 46 (2011) 39-59 = SEG 61 (2011), no. 1230 = AGRW ID# 24868


Block of limestone that was likely part of a temple structure. Found near Bozhüyük (perhaps the site of ancient Akarassos), east of Kızılbel (see pleiades link) and Elmalı. Subsequently re-used in a modern tomb in Bozhüyük.

. . . of Bakchios Klearchos . . . society (thiasos) built the temple, other structures, and statues of the greatest Dioskouroi . . . gods (?) . . . and of Helena.  And those contributing together  . . . society-members (thiasitai): Mentor . . ., Apollonios . . ., . . . Osaeis . . ., . . . Kastor. . . , . . . (remaining names lost).

Translation by: Harland

[ὁ — — —] | [Β]α̣κχίου̣ Κ̣λεάρ̣χ̣[ου — — —]|[.]ωνίου θίασος κατ̣[εσκεύασεν] | ν̣αὸν καὶ ἀφιδρύματ[α καὶ ἀγάλ]|μ̣ατα τῶν μεγίστων [θεῶν] || [Δ]ι̣οσκόρων καὶ τῆς Ἑλ[ένης] | κ̣αὶ οἱ συννέμοντες Λ̣[— —] | θιασεῖται Μέντωρ Ε[— —] | [— —] Ἀπολλώνιος Ε[— —] | vac. || [— —] Οσαεις Μη[— —] | [— —] Κάστωρ Λ̣[— —] | [— — —]ΡΟΓ̣[— — —] | [— — —]

Item added: March 28, 2017
Item modified: March 28, 2017
ID number: 24868
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