Akarassos (?) (Lycia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 100-212 CE
B. İplikçioğlu and C. Schuler, "Ein Tempel für die Dioskuren und Helena: Eine neue Bauinschrift aus Bozhüyük bei Elmah im lykischen Hochland," AAWW 46 (2011) 39-59
= SEG 61 (2011), no. 1230
= AGRW ID# 24868
. . . of Bakchios Klearchos . . . society (thiasos) built the temple, other structures, and statues of the greatest Dioskouroi . . . gods (?) . . . and of Helena. And those contributing together . . . society-members (thiasitai): Mentor . . ., Apollonios . . ., . . . Osaeis . . ., . . . Kastor. . . , . . . (remaining names lost).
Translation by: HarlandItem added: March 28, 2017
Item modified: March 28, 2017
ID number: 24868
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