Anchialos (Thrace, Danube and Black Sea areas — Pleiades map), undated
IGBulg 1841
= SEG 24 (1969), no. 904
= PHI 169945
= AGRW ID# 13938
Broken slab of marble (35 x 50 x 12 cm). This very fragmentary inscription involves a dedication to a company (speirē) and, most likely, a deity (whose name is missing). The monument was erected on behalf of the imperial household and the Romans.
Too fragmentary to translate.
Translation by: Harland[ὑπὲρ — — —] | [— — — καὶ τοῦ σύμπ]α̣ν[τ]ος αὐτοῦ οἴκου καὶ δήμου [Ῥ]ωμαίων | [— — —]Ι̣Ι̣ΚΟΥ Σεπτουμίου Φλάκκου ὁ δισ|[— — — καὶ φι]λότειμος Ἡρακλείδης Πολυξέ||[νου — — — {deity's name} ]ῷ καὶ τῇ σπείρῃ ἀπο vac. | [— — —]ο̣ντος Μαρκέλλου vac. | [— — — τὸν τελ]α̣μῶνα vac. ἐκ τῶν vac. | [ἰδίων ἀνέ]θηκεν.
Item added: June 30, 2013
Item modified: January 19, 2016
ID number: 13938
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