Mylasa (Caria, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), I CE
IMylasa 534
= IGladiateurs 175
= PHI 261210
= AGRW ID# 10586
Copenhagen Inventory info: 848
The beast-fighters (kynēgoi) dedicated this for the hero Gaius Julius Hybreas son of Leon, hero, high-priest for generations: Demetrios son of Demetrios and grandson of Moschos, Theophilos son of Drakon, Epigonos son of Epigonos, Diodotos son of Theomnestos, Eros son of Theomnestos, Helenos, Thraseas son of Drakon, Basileides son of Theodoros, Diogenes son of Chrysippos, Dionysios, Demetrios son of Andron, Dioskourides son of Kallikrates, Dionysodoros, Diognetos son of Thargelios, Diogenes son of Diogenes, Menippos son of Kallikrates, Dionysios son of Dionysodoros of whom Hybreas son of Leon was a patron, and Asklepiades son of Theodoros.
Translation by: HarlandItem added: February 20, 2013
Item modified: November 6, 2020
ID number: 10586
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