Kos (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), II BCE
IKosS EV 223
= PHI 186040
= AGRW ID# 11448
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1871
Altar of white marble (16 x 18 x 14 cm).
Demetrios from Alexandria dedicated this for the devotees of Lindian Athena and the devotees of Zeus Atabyrios who are with Hermagoras Soteridas.
Translation by: Harland[Δημ]ήτριος Ἀλε|[ξα]ν̣δ̣ρεὺς Ἀθη|[ναισ]ταῖς Λινδι|[αστ]αῖς κ̣αὶ Διια||[ταβ]υ̣ριασταῖς̣ | [τοῖς] σὺν Ἑρμα|[γόρᾳ] Σωτηρίδα.
Item added: March 6, 2013
Item modified: January 14, 2021
ID number: 11448
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