Alexandria (Delta region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 30 BCE – 14 CE
AGRW 279 =
GRA III 166 =
IAlexandriaK 96
= Łajtar 1992, 29-36
= SEG 42 (1992), no. 1549
= PHI 227188
= AGRW ID# 215
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1347
Statuette base of black granite with two square holes in the top. Discovered in the debris of a house of the late Roman era.
Ammonios, perfume-dealer (myropōlēs), who has been president (or: patron; prostatēs) in the . . . xth year of Caeasar, dedicated this for the synod (synodos).
Translation by: Harland and Kloppenborg[Ἀ]μμώνιος, μυρο|[π]ώλης, προστα[τ]|[ήσ]α<ς> τὸ [—ʹ (ἔτος)] Καίσαρ[ο]|ς ἀνέθηκε ΝΟ․[—] || ϹΝ τῇ σ̣υν[όδῳ].
Item added: November 9, 2011
Item modified: May 26, 2021
ID number: 215
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