Kanopos (Delta region, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 29/28 BCE
AGRW 285 =
GRA III 163 =
IDelta I 11
= IGRR I 1095
= PHI 228250
= AGRW ID# 662
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1857
Statue base.
Synistor, having assembled (synagogeō) (the association) and having been president in the second year of Caesar, dedicated this.
Translation by: KloppenborgΣυνίστωρ συναγ(ωγήσας) | καὶ προστατήσας | τὸ β' (ἔτους) Καίσαρος.
Item added: November 21, 2011
Item modified: May 26, 2021
ID number: 662
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