Paphos on Cyprus (Southeastern islands, Aegean Islands — Pleiades map), ca. 100 BCE
T. B. Mitford, "The Hellenistic Inscriptions of Old Paphos," ABSA 56 (1961) 1–41, at 41 (no. 113)
= IGRR III 965
= PHI 310874
= AGRW ID# 20577
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1913
Pedestal of white marble for a statue found in the sanctuary of Aphrodite. In the Epigraphical Museum in 1961 (inv. KM 30).
(in Latin:) Roman citizens who are engaged in business (negotiantur) in Paphos.
(in Greek:) This was dedicated to Aphrodite (?) . . . Paphia (“of Paphos”).
The Romans (Romaiaoi) . . . engaged in business (hoi pragmateuomenoi) in (?) . . . Paphos.
Translation by: Harland[cives ∙ Romani ∙ qui ∙ Pa]phi ∙ negotiantur. | [Ἀφροδίτηι] Παφίαι· | [οἱ πραγματευόμενοι ἐν] Πάφωι vac. Ῥωμαῖοι.
Item added: December 17, 2015
Item modified: January 14, 2021
ID number: 20577
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