Piraeus (Attica, Greece and Macedonia — Pleiades map), 337/6 BCE
GRA I 2 =
IG II² 1255
= PHI 3470
= AGRW ID# 3456
Copenhagen Inventory info: 230
…the sacrificing associates (orgeōnes) approved the motion which Olympiodoros son of … made: Whereas the sacrifice makers (hieropoioi) who served when Phrynichos was archon have done so with honor and zeal, both in regard to the procession and the division of the sacrificial meat and all other matters; it was decided by the sacrificing associates to commend the following and to crown them with a golden crown with the value of three hundred drachmas: Antiphanes son of Antisthenes of Kytherros, Nausiphilos son of Nausinikos of Kephalē, and Aristomenes son of Mosch….. on account of the zeal that they have shown towards the sacrificing associates; and that the secretary Thallos have this decree inscribed on a stele and set up in the sanctuary of Bendis….
Translation by: KloppenborgItem added: September 27, 2012
Item modified: May 2, 2020
ID number: 3456
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