Oxyrhynchos (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), 107 CE (October 27)
GRA III 263 =
POxy VII 1029
= SelPap II 316
= Papyri.info TM 20325
= AGRW ID# 31502
To Claudius Menander, royal scribe, from Teos the younger, son of Onnophris and grandson of Teos, his mother being Taseus, and Asklas son of Onnophris son of Osmolchis, his mother being Tesauris, both from the city of Oxyrhynchos, hieroglyphic carvers (hieroblyphoi): the list of ourselves and the same fellow carvers (synieroglyphoi) for the current 11th year of Trajan Caesar the Lord, as follows: In the quarter of the Tenth, Teos son of Onnophris, the aforementioned; Onnophris his brother; Asklas son of Onnophris, the aforementioned; the aforementioned Osmolchis his brother who is also a hieroglypic carver of Osiris the great god.
(second hand) Apis (?).
(first hand) In the quarter of the Processional way of Thoeris, Ptolemaios son of Petosorapis and grandson of Petosorapis, total, 5 men. We swear by the Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajan Augustus Germanicus Dacicus that we have honestly and truthfully presented the above mentioned list and that there are no more than these, and that we have no apprentices (mathētai) or visitors who are practicing the craft down to the present day. Otherwise we will be subject to the consequences of failing to keep the oath. Year 11 of Emperor Caesar Nerva Trajan Augustus Germanicus Dacicus on the 29th of Phaophi.
Translation by: Kloppenborg{hand 2} Ἄπι(δος(?))
Item added: July 15, 2020
Item modified: July 15, 2020
ID number: 31502
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