Oxyrhynchos (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), 302-309? CE
GRA III 277 =
PRyl IV 654
= Papyri.info TM 17320
= AGRW ID# 31537
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1934
(Latin) . . . of the city of Oxyrhynchus, Apolinarios said: (Greek) “He is a linen weaver (linouphos) by craft. Now there should be an advocate for a man fulfilling his trade. For his coworker Paulus, who has become an apprentice (mathētēs), has come to learn the practice of his trade. You too, my lord, are aware that these men, by their own activity, make more than a small contribution to the People’s needs. They contribute much to the cloak tax (anabolikon), which must be manufactured by them. But the builders (oikodomoi) are claiming that there is a pressing need that they should be regarded only as . . . lazy people (?) . . . For they are eager to make this linen-weaver who is my client into a builder and are daring to commit a great injustice. They are tearing him away from the craft which he has learned. They want to teach him a different craft, that of the builders. He must be guarded in his wife’s house so that he does not suffer any violence by the builders. It is important that the commander (stratēgos) and auditor (logistēs) know about this.”
(Latin) Maximianius, most perfect judge in Egypt said, (Greek) “The auditor and commander will consider these charges. If he has been apprenticed to this craft and is already actively engaging in this trade, he should not to be transferred to another.”
Translation by: Patrick Stange (with modifications)Item added: July 17, 2020
Item modified: July 17, 2020
ID number: 31537
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