Oxyrhynchos (Upper Egypt, Egypt — Pleiades map), 272-275 CE
GRA III 273 =
POslo III 144
= BL XI 141
= Papyri.info TM 21558
= AGRW ID# 31525
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1381
. . . An account of those who have made contributions . . . to the association (?) . . . of sacred victors (hieronikai) during the . . . current year of Aurelian Augustus. They are: Aurelii: Neilos, a carpet weaver: . . . amounts not preserved for this or any contributor; Pammenes, a perfume merchant: . . . ; Ammōnios, a dyer: . . .; Ammonios son of Sarapas, the dyer: . . .; Philosarapis, a goldsmith: . . .; Sarapammon, a copper worker: . . .; Horas, an oil merchant: . . .; Name and Name . . . both sons of Syros, a baker: . . .; Theodoros son of Sakaon, a manufacturer of oil: . . .; Eros from Seryphis (i.e. a village in the Oxyrhynchite district . . . who is currently residing in (?) . . . Hypsele (i.e. a village in the Thebaid): . . .; Papontos, a craftsman: . . .; Name. . . son of Deme from the Arsinoite district: . . .; Name. . . wine merchant: . . .; Ploteinos residing in the house of Hippeos: . . .; Souchammon, a forwarding agent: . . .; Laskarios son of Souchammon, a baker: . . .; Name. . . a broiderer: . . .; Name son of Phainoles the daughter of Harendotes: . . .; Hierax son of Epimachos, an former advisor (exēgētēs): . . .; Papontos in Kerk . . .: . . .; Name son of Diogenis, a huckster: . . .; Name son of Kephalon, a collector: . . .; Name son of Achilles: . . .; Name, a former advisor: . . .; Name, a purple-dyer: . . .; Name son of Mono . . ., a forwarding agent: . . .; Name son of Pausanios from Pa . . .: . . .; Name son of Sarapion: . . .; Name son of Nemesion: . . .; . . . seller. . .
Translation by: Richard Last and KloppenborgItem added: July 17, 2020
Item modified: July 17, 2020
ID number: 31525
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