Unknown (Unknown, Egypt), I CE
GRA III 290 =
PAthen 41
= Papyri.info TM 25225
= AGRW ID# 31570
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1440
Payments for wine of the synod (synodos) of donkey drivers (onēlatai) up to the 13th of Pharmouthi:
Areios son Ptolemaios: 5 drachmas and 11 obols; Saras his brother: 6 drachmas and 1 triobol; Didymos son of Didymos: 15 drachmas and 1 obol; Arabas son of Timokrates: 10 drachmas and 1 obol; Dioskoros son of Papos: 9 drachmas and 1 triobol; Apollonios son of Phronto: 4 drachmas and 1 obol; Leonides son of Philon: 2 drachmas and 1 triobol; Sokrates son of Timokrates: 9 drachmas and 1 obol; Apollon. . . son of Heron: 18 drachmas and 1 obol; Name . . . son of Name: 9 drachmas and one triobol; Didymos son of Timokrates: 4 drachmas and 15 obols; Ptolemaios son of Dorion: 14 drachmas; Karis son of Ischurion: 5 drachmas and 1 obol; Dionysios son of Apollo: 20 drachmas and 1 triobol; Akousilaos son of Didymos: 8 drachmas; Papos his brother: 9 drachmas and 1 obol; Dionysios son of Heron: . . . x drachmas; Skapl. . . son of Pekysis: . . . x drachmas and 1 obol, and Mysthas son of Sokrates: . . . x drachmas and 1 obol.
Translation by: Rebecca Runesson (with modifications)Item added: July 17, 2020
Item modified: May 31, 2021
ID number: 31570
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