Saittai area [Kollyda] (Lydia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map), 205/206 CE
GRA 119 =
ILydiaHM 85
= SEG 57 (2007), no. 1186
= AGRW ID# 12087
In the 290th year of the Sullan era during the month of Peritios, Ammianos and Hermogenes, sons of Tryphon, arrive (sic.), asking the gods Men Motyllites, Zeus Sabazios, Artemis Anaitis, and the great senate and council of the gods and asking the village (katoikia) and the sacred doumos–association that they might find mercy, (10) since they were punished because they overcame their father, who was acknowledging the power of the gods, and their father did not receive mercy. But after he met his end, they wrote “No one should ever disparage the gods” for the sake of his first written proclamations, and they set it up, blessing (20) the gods.
Translation by: Harland(relief)
ἔτους σʹ, μη(νὸς) Περιτίου· Ἀμμι̣|ανὸς καὶ Ἑρμογένης Τρύφω|νος πάρισι ἐρωτῶντες το|ὺς θεοὺς Μῆνα Μοτυλλίτ||ην καὶ Δία Σαβάζιον καὶ Ἄρτε|μιν Ἀναεῖτιν καὶ μεγάλην συ|νᾶτος καὶ σύνκλητον τῶν θε|ῶν, ἐρωτῶντες τὴν κατοικία[ν] | καὶ τὸν ἱερὸν δοῦμον, ἵνα ἐλέ||ου τύχωσιν, ἐπὶ ἐκολάσθη[σ]|αν οὗτοι, ὅτι τὸν πατέρα ἐκρά|τησαν ἐξομολογούμενον | τὰς δυνάμις τῶν θεῶν, καὶ ἐλ<ε>η̣|μοσύνην μὴ λαβόντος τοῦ πα||τρὸς αὐτῶν, ἀλλὰ ἀποτελεσθέ̣| ντος αὐτοῦ μή τίς ποτε παρευ̣|τελίσι τοὺς θεοὺς διὰ τὰς π̣[ρ]| ώτας προγραφὰς αὐτοῦ ἔγρα̣[ψ]|αν καὶ ἀνέθηκαν εὐλογοῦντε̣[ς] || τοῖς θεοῖς.
Item added: May 8, 2013
Item modified: December 3, 2015
ID number: 12087
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