Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Coin Issued by Ionian Dionysiac Performers (155-145 BCE) Teos - Ionia

Teos (Ionia, Asia Minor — Pleiades map),
Catharine C. Lorber and Oliver D. Hoover, "An Unpublished Tetradrachm Issued by the Artists of Dionysos," The Numismatic Chronicle 163 (2003) 59–68 = AGRW ID# 22090


A tetradrachm was a silver coin worth 4 drachmas minted by the Ionian Dionysiac performers (or Dionysiac Artists). The era of the coin roughly overlaps with the period when the flute-player Kraton son of Zotichos was involved with the performers, serving as priest of the group at one point (see other inscriptions from Teos on this site).

(obverse of coin)

(head of a youthful Dionysos on the right wearing a mitre and crowned with an ivy wreath.)

(reverse of coin)

(The following text is vertical, flanking a decorated thyrsos.  This is framed by a ivy wreath border.)

Of the performers gathered around Dionysos.

Translation by: Harland

{vertically flanking the central thyrsos on the right:} ΤΩΝ ΠΕΡΙ ΤΟΝ ΔΙΟΝΥΣΟΝ {vertically flanking the central thyrsos on the left:} ΤΕΧΝΙΤΩΝ.


Reverse of the coin of the Dionysiac performers (courtesy of Catherine C. Lorber and Oliver D. Hoover; photo be Rob Freeman). Every effort has been made to obtain permission from copyright holders to reproduce this material.

Reverse of the coin of the Dionysiac performers
(from Catherine C. Lorber and Oliver D. Hoover; photo by Rob Freeman).
Every effort has been made to obtain permission from copyright holders.

Obverse of the coin of the Dionysiac performers (courtesy of Catherine C. Lorber and Oliver D. Hoover; photo be Rob Freeman). Every effort has been made to obtain permission from copyright holders to reproduce this material.

Obverse of the coin of the Dionysiac performers
(from Catherine C. Lorber and Oliver D. Hoover; photo by Rob Freeman).
Every effort has been made to obtain permission from copyright holders.

Item added: January 23, 2016
Item modified: February 19, 2016
ID number: 22090
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