Dedication of a Gymnasium to Zeus and Anthas by Fellow-sacrificers (ca. 150 BCE) ║ Anthedon - Boeotia
[38] Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos by a Group of Attendants under Erotas (II-III CE) ║ Beroia - Macedonia
[50] Bequest to an Association of Initiates of Zeus Dionysos Gongylos (I CE) ║ Thessalonike - Macedonia
Dedication to Zeus, Hera and Athena for Hymn-singers (imperial era) ║ Nikopolis on the Istros - Thrace
Dedication to Zeus, Hera and Athena by Elder Hymn-singers (undated) ║ Nikopolis on the Istros - Thrace
[83] Dedication of Chrysa the Manumitted Slave to Theos Hypsistos (41 CE) ║ Gorgippia - Bosporan region
Honors by a Society for Medeos the Priest (120 or 105 BCE) ║ Apameia Myrleia area [Triglia] - Bithynia
Honors by a Society for the Priestess Stratonike (119 or 104 BCE) ║ Apameia Myrleia area [Triglia] - Bithynia
Dedication of an Altar to Zeus Bennios for an Association (undated) ║ Claudiopolis area [Krateia] - Bithynia
Oath of Assos and the Roman Businessmen on the Accesion of Gaius Caligula (37 CE) ║ Assos - Mysia and the Troad
[110] Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos for an Association or Village (I BCE-II CE) ║ Kyzikos area [Panormos] - Mysia and the Troad
Letters of Vespasian and Domitian on Physicians and Instructors (74 CE / 93-94 CE) ║ Pergamon - Mysia and the Troad
[121] Divine Instructions for the Household Association of Dionysios (late II-early I BCE) ║ Philadelphia - Lydia
Order for a Vow to Zeus and Men by a Sacred Association (doumos) (171 CE) ║ Saittai area [Maionia] - Lydia
Dedication of a Votive by Initiates of Apollo Pleurenos (90s BCE) ║ Sardis area [north of Gygaia lake] - Lydia
[126] Edict Concerning Zeus and the Mysteries of Sabazios, Agdistis and Ma (II CE / 365 BCE) ║ Sardis - Lydia
[127] List of Fountains Used by Mystery Associations, a Synagogue, and Others (ca. 200 CE) ║ Sardis - Lydia
Dedication of an Altar to Zeus Dionysos by Koroseanian Initiates (undated) ║ Dorylaion area [Koroseanos] - Phrygia
Dedication of an Altar to Zeus Dionysos by the Keiouerenian (?) Initiates (undated) ║ Dorylaion area [Ilica] - Phrygia
Honours by Thiounta Village for a Brotherhood [A and B] (II CE) ║ Hierapolis area [Thiounta] - Phrygia
Oracle of Apollo and Foundation of a Familial Society by Poseidonios (300-250 BCE) ║ Halikarnassos - Caria
Dedication (frag.) of Shrines of Zeus and the Mother with Mention of a Society (Hellenistic or imperial era) ║ Kaunos - Caria
Inventories Regarding Sarapis Sanctuary C with Therapeutists and Sarapiasts (155/154 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication for Apollo and the Italians by Philostratos the Banker (1) (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication for Apollo and the Italians by Philostratos the Banker (2) (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Dedication to Zeus Ourios by Italian Devotees of Mercury, Apollo and Neptune (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Delos - Southwestern islands
Honours by an Association Devoted to Zeus Hyetios for Two Members (III BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
Dedication by Demetrios from Alexandria for Devotees of Athena and of Zeus (II BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
Dedication to Zeus Hypsistos, Hera, Poseidon and Apollo by Porters (II CE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
[246] Honors by Associations for a Civic Priest of the Augusti (imperial era) ║ Nisyros - Southeastern islands
[247] Honors by Several Associations for Aristombrotidas (after 167 BCE) ║ Kamiros on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Several Associations for a Naval Commander (I BCE) ║ Kamiros on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Dedication to Isis and Sarapis by Aristarchos for Fellow-soldiers (170 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by a Neighborhood for Architimos the Priest (150 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[250] Donations by Timopolis and Associations to Athena and Zeus (ca. 115 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[251] Honors by Numerous Associations for a Priest (ca. 125-100 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[252] Honors by Dioskouriasts for the Priest Nikagoras (93 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Herakleists and Others for a Naval Commander (100-50 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Associations for Aristodemos the Priest (121 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
[254] Grave Prepared by Devotees of a Savior Deity (ca. 50-51 BCE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors by Devotees of Dionysos, Athena, and Zeus for a Benefactor (I CE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors for Antipatros Mentioning Dionysiac Mysteries (ca. 100 CE) ║ Lindos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honorary Decree (frag.) by Euthalidians for Sosikrates (II BCE) ║ Netteia on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Agathodaimoniasts and Others (ca. 100 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Panathenaists, Soteriasts, and Athenaists (100-50 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) by Sarapiasts and Other Associations (II BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Honors for Bresos with Mention of Mysteries of the Augusti (125-175 CE) ║ Mytilene area on Lesbos - Northern islands
Dedication of an Altar and Symposium Hall to Zeus Hypsistos (undated) ║ Palmyra - Syria and Phoenicia
Dedication to Apollo (Qos) and Zeus by an Association of Idumeans (ca. 150 BCE)) ║ Memphis - Delta region
Dedication to Zeus and the Ancestral Gods by a Corporate Body of Boeotians (165-145 BCE) ║ Xois - Delta region
Dedication of a Statue for a President by an Association of Bakers (3 CE) ║ Arsinoites - Fayum region
Dedication to Zeus and Athena by a Corporate Body of Cilicians (III-I BCE) ║ Arsinoe-Krokodilopolis - Fayum region
Dedication to Great Zeus Sarapis by a Member of a Partnership (?) (II-III CE) ║ Neapolis / Lepcis Magna - Tripolitania