Dedication to Emperor Gordianus by Fans of Beast-fighters (ca. 238-244 CE) ║ Kallatis - Scythia and Moesia
Honors (frag.) by Civic Institutions with Mention of a Theatrical Synod (161-180 CE) ║ Tomis - Scythia and Moesia
Honors (frag.) by Athletic and Theatrical Synods for Kallikles (undated) ║ Prusias by Hypios - Bithynia
Dedication to Apollo, the Augusti and the People by Gladiators (imperial era) ║ Aigai - Mysia and the Troad
Letters of Hadrian to the Synod of Dionysiac Performers (133/134 CE) ║ Alexandreia Troas - Mysia and the Troad
Grave of Preimigenes Prepared by a Society of Musicians (239 CE) ║ Saittai area [northern Lydia] - Lydia
Decree (frag.) of Dionysiac Performers Concerning Quadrennial Competitions (117-138 CE) ║ Sardis - Lydia
Grave of Menandrianos with Bequest to Linen-workers and Weapon-fans (ca. 180-250 CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
Honors by Hierapolis and Sacred Victors for Sophron the Comic Performer (II-III CE) ║ Hierapolis - Phrygia
Decree (frag.) of the World-wide Performers of Dionysos (138-161 CE) ║ Laodikeia on the Lykos - Phrygia
Grave of Menekrates Prepared by Companions and Members of a Society (undated) ║ Ephesos area [Metropolis] - Ionia
Honors for Claudius Chionis with Mention of Sacred Victors (25/26 CE) ║ Miletos area [Didyma] - Ionia
[178] Letter of Emperor Claudius to the Sacred Victors and Performers of Dionysos (48 CE) ║ Miletos - Ionia
[193] Honors by Performers and Initiates of Dionysos Breiseus for a Benefactor (150-200 CE) ║ Smyrna - Ionia
Honorary Decrees by Dionysiac Performers and Fellow-competitors for Kraton (before 158 BCE) ║ Teos - Ionia
Bench with Honors by Civic Institutions and Athletes for Q. Vedius Capito and Family (98-138 CE) ║ Kaunos - Caria
Dedication (frag.) of Shrines of Zeus and the Mother with Mention of a Society (Hellenistic or imperial era) ║ Kaunos - Caria
Reservation of a Dining-room for the Flutists and Acrobats (undated) ║ Magnesia on the Maeander - Caria
Funerary Honors for Chariton and Menippos by Athletic Victors and Elders (imperial era) ║ Tralles - Caria
Reservations in the Theatre for Sacred Victors, Masons, and Other Groups (I BCE-I CE) ║ Termessos - Pisidia
[212] Honorary Decree by Performers for Pompeianus Regarding a Mystic Contest (128/129 CE) ║ Ankyra - Galatia
Regulations (frag.) for Dionysiac Festivals and Performers (ca. 290 BCE) ║ Eretria on Euboia - Southwestern islands
Honors with Mention of an Honorary Member of the Performers (142-105 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honorary Decree by Dionysiac Performers for Isodoros (114-106 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors for Kallippos an Honorary Member of the Performers (105-104 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors for Potamon an Honorary Member of the Performers (105-95 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors (frag.) for an Honorary Member of the Performers (105-88 BCE) ║ Paphos on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Honors by a Society of Performers for Menedemos (ca. 200 BCE) ║ Salamis on Cyprus - Southeastern islands
Letters from Sulla with Privileges for the Ionian Dionysiac Performers (81, 84 BCE) ║ Kos - Southeastern islands
Honors by Apolloniasts and Others for a Naval Commander (ca. 84 BCE) ║ Rhodos on Rhodes - Southeastern islands
Grave of Gladiators Owned by Tryphonianus and Lailia (undated) ║ Mytilene on Lesbos - Northern islands
[266] Honors by Performers for the Pantomime Julius Paris (117-138 CE) ║ Apamea - Syria and Phoenicia
Honors by a Synod of Dionysiac Performers (?) for Titus Flavius Gerrenus (102-114 CE) ║ Gerasa - Decapolis
[303] Imperial Letters to Athletes and “Diploma of the Boxer” (194 CE) ║ Hermoupolis Magna - Upper Egypt
Contributions to the Sacred Victors by Those of Various Occupations (272-275 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
Collection of Imperial and Other Documents about Dionysiac Performers and Hatres (288 CE) ║ Oxyrhynchos - Upper Egypt
[298] Honorary Decree and Membership List of Dionysiac Performers (269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[297] Honorary Decree by Dionysiac Performers for Dionysios (ca. 269–246 BCE) ║ Ptolemais Hermiou - Upper Egypt
[312] Honors by the Wandering Athletic Synod for T. Flavius Archibios (ca. 110 CE) ║ Neapolis - Campania
Honors by Neapolis for the Deceased Dionysiac Performer P. Aelius Antigenidas (ca. 150 CE) ║ Neapolis - Campania
[320] Dedication and Imperial Letter from Hadrian Involving an Athletic Synod (134 / 143 CE) ║ Rome - Latium
Honors by Performers of Aphrodite for Proconsul Caninus and for Sopater (46-42 BCE) ║ Syracuse - Sicily