Associations in the Greco-Roman World (AGRW)

An expanding collection of inscriptions, papyri, and other sources in translation (run by Philip A. Harland)

Building [B9]: Meeting Place of the Augustales (early I CE) Herculaneum - Campania

Herculaneum (Campania, Italy — Pleiades map), early I CE
Bollmann 1998, 348-54 (A47; figs. 35-37). = AGRW ID# 23680


Relevant inscriptions on this site: CIL X 977, 1411, 1462; AE (1979), no. 169.

Description: Located in the center of the city near the southeast corner of the forum, this rectangular building (ca. 15 m x 12.5 m) has its main room divided into three naves by four Tuscan columns. At the back of the building (across from the entrance and raised slightly above the rest of the building) is a shrine that can be accessed by two steps. The entire room is decorated with frescos depicting the story of the god Hercules, particularly his final heroic deeds, painted in the IV style (see photos).  An inscription on the wall clearly identifies the location as the meeting place of the Augustales.

Translation by: Ascough

Fresco on the wall of the meeting-place of the Augustales at Herculaneum. Photo by Harland copyright 2017.Harland).

Fresco on the wall of the meeting-place of the Augustales at Herculaneum.
Photo by Harland copyright 2017.Harland).

Panel from the fresco at meeting place of the Augustales at Herculaneum.Photo by Harland copyright 2017.

Panel from the fresco at meeting place of the Augustales at Herculaneum.
Photo by Harland copyright 2017.

Fresco depicting Hercules next to Juno and Minerva from the meeting-place of the Augustales at Herculaneum.Photo by Harland copyright 2017.

Fresco depicting Hercules next to Juno and Minerva from the meeting-place of the Augustales at Herculaneum.
Photo by Harland copyright 2017.

AE (1979), no. 169. From the meeting-place of the Augustales at Herculaneum.Photo by Harland copyright 2017.

AE (1979), no. 169. From the meeting-place of the Augustales at Herculaneum.
Photo by Harland copyright 2017.

Item added: March 20, 2017
Item modified: March 30, 2017
ID number: 23680
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