Ostia (Latium, Italy — Pleiades map), ca. 200 CE
Hermansen 1981, 61-62, 119-120 (fig. 47)
= Hermansen 1982 (plan; photos)
= Bollmann 1998, 278-282 (A28; fig. 23) = Egelhaaf-Gaiser 2002, 154-155 (fig. 12)
= AGRW ID# 24121
Description: Located in region I x 3-4, this building’s main doorway is on the west side and opens to a courtyard. Opposite the courtyard is a sanctuary with a temple platform, although the temple itself was never completed and later the area was used as a Mithraeum, a meeting place for devotees of the god Mithras. A portico lines the other three sides, and off the northern portico is a long (14.3 m), undivided room used for meetings and banquets.
Translation by: AscoughItem added: February 21, 2020
Item modified: March 16, 2020
ID number: 24121
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