Misenum (Campania, Italy), I-II CE
A. De Franciscis, Il sacello degli Augustali a Miseno (Napels: Arte tipografica, 1991) esp. 45
= Bollmann 1998, 356-363 (A50)
= Paola Miniero, ed. The Sacellum of the Augustales at Miseno (Napels: Soprintendenza Archeologica di Napoli e Caserta, 2000), esp. 9-20 (figs. 1-10) = D’Arms 2000 = Laird 2015, 139-182
= AGRW ID# 23703
Description: Discovered in 1968 in region I (regio I) of the excavated site are three adjacent rectangular rooms (1-3 in the drawing below) used by the Augustales. The building contained at least ten statue bases, many likely of emperors. The central room (2) is temple-like in its structure, with a columned porch. A mosaic at the entrance of the eastern room (3) identifies it as a banqueting hall (triclinium constantiae). Many inscriptions found at the site (ranging in date from 80-222 CE) attest to active patronage and honors for association-members and donors. These inscriptions are collected and translated in D’Arms 2000. In the mid-second century, the membership consisted of about 100 individuals (Laird 2015, 142).
Translation by: AscoughItem added: March 30, 2017
Item modified: March 30, 2017
ID number: 23703
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