Tebtynis (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 45-47 CE
GRA III 216 (select lines only involving associations) =
PMich II 123-124
= Papyri.info TM 11967
= AGRW ID# 31213
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1458
PMich II 123
(column 3)
(line 40) 30th of Thoth (= 27 Sept): Declaration and document of those released from service (apolysimoi; perhaps released from public servie) and the sheep and cattle herders (probatoktēnotrophoi): 11 drachmas.
(line 41) 30th of Thoth (= 27 Sept): Declaration of the guild (plēthos) of weavers (gerdioi) to the supervisors (epistatai): 8 drachmas. . .
(column 6)
(line 16) 4th of Neos Sebastos (= 31 Oct): Payment by the dyers (bapheis): on account, 9 obols.
(line 17) 4th of Neos Sebastos (= 31 Oct): Payment by the fullers (gnapheis): 14 obols.
(line 18) 4th of Neos Sebastos (= 31 Oct): Regulation (nomos) of the synod (synodos) of Psosneus the oil-worker (eleourgos): 4 liquid measures (kotylai) of oil.
(line 19) 4th of Neos Sebastos (= 31 Oct): List of cloth-beaters (rhabdistai): 4 drachmas and 8 obols.
(line 25) 6th of Neos Sebastos (= 2 Nov): Declaration of the association (plēthos) of wool-merchants (eriopolai): 8 drachmas.
(column 7)
(line 27) Payment by Peteeus and another salt-dealer (halopolai). 208 drachmas. Fee: 14 obols. . .
(column 8)
(line 26) 14th of Choaik (= 11 Dec.): Declaration of those released from (public service) and the sheep and cattle herders about guarding the waterways: free . . .
(column 9)
(line 45) 3rd of Tybi (= 29 Dec): . . . Regulation (nomos) of the synod of Kronion . ..
(column 10)
(line 6) 4th of Tybi (= 30 Dec): Regulation of the synod of Kronion son of Kames: 11 obols . . .
(column 11)
(line 26) 5th of Mecheir (= 30 Jan.): Regulation of the synod of Heraklees Pichis. Farm building (?) 20 obols. . .
(column 14)
(line 17) 11th of Pharmouthi (= 7 Mar) Memorandum by Herodes, president
of the cloth beaters: 7 obols . . .
(column 14)
(line 37) 22nd of Pharmouthi (= 18 Mar): Declaration by Heraklas secretary of fishermen (halieis) and the other fishermen. . .
(column 16)
(line 12) 28th of Pachon (= 24 May): Regulation of shepherds (poimenos): 8 obols. . .
(column 17)
(line 38) 23rd of Pauni (= 17 June): Regulation of the synod of builders (oikodomoi): 10 obols. . .
(column 21)
(line 31) Declaration of the president (hēgemon) of the weavers (geridoi). . .
(column 21)
(line 40) Payment by Herakles and the other salt-dealers (halopōlai) merchants of Tali and . . .
(column 22)
(line 27) Payment by the salt-dealers of Ibion: 576 drachmas: . . .
(column 22)
(line 44) 30th of Kaisareios (= 23 Aug): Agreement of the association (plēthos) of those released from service (apolysimoi). . .
PMich II 124
(column 2)
(line 15) 29th of Neos Sebastos (= 25 Nov.): Declaration of the association (plēthos) of wool-dealers (eriopolai): 8 drachmas. . .
(line 19) 30th of Neos Sebastos (= 26 Nov.): Gift received through the president of the association (plēthos) of the weavers (gerdioi), for their written declaration: 4 drachmas . . .
(line 23) 1st of Choiak (= 27 Nov.): Regulation of the synod of the god . . .
Translation by: Ryan J. Olfert and Kloppenborg (with modifications){recto}
{column 3}
{line 40} λ χιρογραφιῶν (χειρογραφιῶν) καὶ γραφῆ(ς) ἀπολυσίμω(ν) καὶ προβατοκτη(νοτρόφων). (δραχμαὶ) ια
{line 41} χιρογρ(αφία) (χειρογρ(αφία)) πλήθους γερδίων εἰς τοὺς {εἰς} ἐπιστάτας. (δραχμαὶ) η
{column 6}
{line 16} ἀναφόρια βαφέων. ἐπὶ λόγο(υ) (ὀβολοὶ) θ
{line 17} ἀναφόρια γναφέων. (ὀβολοὶ) ιδ
{line 18} νόμος συνόδο(υ) Ψοσνε(ῦτος) ἐλεουργο(ῦ) (ἐλαιουργο(ῦ)). ἐλέου (ἐλαίου) κο(τύλαι) δ
{line 19} γραφὴ ῥαβδιστῶν. (δραχμαὶ) δ (ὀβολοὶ) η
{line 25} χιρογραφία (χειρογραφία) πλήθο(υς) ἐριοπολῶν (ἐριοπωλῶν) (δραχμαὶ) η
{column 7}
{line 27} ἁλοπολῶ(ν) (ἁλοπωλῶ(ν)) φόρο(υ) (δραχμῶν) ση. (ὀβολοὶ) ιδ
{column 8}
{line 26} χιρογραφία (χειρογραφία) ἀπο̣λ̣υ̣σ̣ίμων καὶ προβατοκτηνο(τρόφων) περὶ τὸ φυλά(σσειν) ὑδά(τια). χάρις.
{column 9}
{line 45} [ -ca.?- ] νόμος συνόδο(υ) Κρονι ̣ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
{column 10}
{line 6} δ(θ) νόμο(ς) συνόδο(υ) Κρονίωνο(ς) Καμήους. (ὀβολοὶ) ια
{column 11}
{line 36} νόμος̣ [σ]υνόδου Ἡρακλήου Πίχιο(ς) ἐπαύλεω(ς). (ὀβολοὶ) κ
{column 14}
{line 17} ια ὑπομη (ὑπόμ<ν>η(μα)) Ἡρώδου ἡγουμένο(υ) ῥαβδιστῶν. (ὀβολοὶ) ζ
{line 37} κβ χιρογρ(αφία) (χειρογρ(αφία)) Ἡρακλᾶτος γραμματέο(ς) (γραμματέω(ς)) ἁλειέων (ἁλιέων) καὶ ἑτέρω(ν) ἁλειαίων.
{column 16}
{line 12} νόμος πυμένων (ποιμένων). (ὀβολοὶ) η
{column 17}
{line 38} νόμο(ς) οἰκοδόμων. (ὀβολοὶ) ι
{column 21}
{line 31} χιρογρ(αφία) (χειρογρ(αφία)) ἡγο(υμένου) γερδίων τοῦ
{line 40} ἀναφόρια Ἡρακλᾶτ(ος) καὶ ἄλλω(ν) ἁλοπο(λῶν) (ἁλοπω(λῶν)) Ταλὶ καὶ Θ ̣[ -ca.?- ]
{column 22
{line 27} ἀναφόρια ἁλοπολῶ(ν) (ἁλοπωλῶ(ν)) Ἰβίων (Εἰκοσιπενταρούρων) (δραχμῶν) φοϛ [ -ca.?- ]
{line 44} [συ]νγρ(αφὴ) πλήθος (πλήθους) ἀπολυσ[ίμων -ca.?- ]
PMich. II 124
{column 2}
{line 15} χιρογρ(αφία) (χειρογρ(αφία)) πλήθος (πλήθους) ἐριοπολῶ(ν) (ἐριοπωλῶ(ν)). (δραχμαὶ) η
{line 19} δόσις διὰ ἡγο(υμένου) πλήθο(υς) γερδίω̣[ν] ὑπὲρ χιρο(γραφίας) (χειρο(γραφίας)). (δραχμαὶ) δ
{line 23} νόμος συνώδο(υ) (συνόδο(υ)) θεοῦ ̣[ ̣] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
Item added: April 23, 2020
Item modified: May 27, 2021
ID number: 31213
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