Philadelphia (Fayum region, Egypt — Pleiades map), 84 CE (April 26-May 25)
GRA III 223 =
BGU VII 1615
= TM 9520
= AGRW ID# 31367
Copenhagen Inventory info: 1744
In the third year of emperor Caesar Domitianus Augustus Germanicus, month of Germanicus. An account of the garments that have been delivered by weavers, arranged in threes: Onnophris son of Harphaesis and Harpokras (his son), and Heron the president. . . ; Psammis son of Asklas, and Asklas his son. . . Name . . . and Herakles son of Mysos . . .; Atres son of Harphaesis and Hatres son of Name . . .; and Horos son of Pasos . . .; Apis son of Hartho. . . and his two sons Names . . . ; Dionysios son of Nekpheros and Pouoris son of Name . . . and Peeth. . . son of Harmousis. . .; Herakles son of Horos and Origas son of . . . and Pnepheros son of Herakleides . . .; Kephalon son of Petesouchos and Petesouchos son of Name. . . and Asklas . . . son of Name (?) . . .; Onnophris son of Panesnes and his son Name . . . and Tryphon son of Ptollas . . .; Archonas son of Panegbeous and Pasis son of Passis and Horos son of Herakleites . . . ; Petesis and Petesis son of Name . . . and Petesis . . .
Translation by: Mark Mueller (with modifications)Item added: April 29, 2020
Item modified: April 29, 2020
ID number: 31367
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